This is an update of the previous project TM1637 4-Digit Display Clock Arduino Project . I added a temperature & humidity sensor DHT11 or DHT22.
This is an update of the previous project TM1637 4-Digit Display Clock Arduino Project . I added a temperature & humidity sensor DHT11 or DHT22.
This is a simple Arduino project based on DHT11 or DHT22 temperature&humidity sensor and TM1637 4 digit 7 segment LCD.
The HC-SR04
is an affordable and easy to use distance measuring sensor which has a range
from 2cm to 400cm (about an inch to 13 feet).
The sensor is
composed of two ultrasonic transducers. One is transmitter which outputs
ultrasonic sound pulses and the other is receiver which listens for reflected
How the HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance
Sensor Works?
It emits
an ultrasound at 40 000 Hz which travels through the air and if there is an
object or obstacle on its path It will bounce back to the module. Considering
the travel time and the speed of the sound you can calculate the distance.
For that purpose we are using the following basic formula for
calculating distance:
Distance = Speed x Time
The time is
the amount of time the Echo pin was HIGH, and the speed is the speed of sound
which is 340m/s. There’s one additional step we need to do, and that’s divide
the end result by 2. and that’s because we are measuring the duration the sound
wave needs to travel to the object and bounce back.
Here’s how we need to connect the HC-SR04 sensor to an Arduino
Here’s a code for measuring distance using the HC-SR04
ultrasonic sensor and Arduino.
This project shows you how to make a digital clock using a TM1637 4-digit 7-segment display with Arduino.